- Rebellion or in other words not obeying the word of God in your Life (1Sam.15:22-24)as Saul prefered to worship and give sacrifices without obeying God's word, this kind of worship is not accepted by God and the result was the fall of Saul from glory to humilation and an evil spirit tormented him (1Sam.16:14).
- Loving the lusts of the World (1John 2:15) like the lust of the flesh, wealth for this is against the Spirit of God, and people who loves the lusts of the world are walking after the flesh not after the Spirit (Gal.5:16).
- Fear, Doubt, or Little faith; as what happened with Peter while he was walking on the water; when he doubted he began to sink (Mathew 14:30).
- Compromising with corrupted teachings and non-Biblical principles (Mathew 16:5-12); which causes your soul to be weaker and easily defeated.