Do you know that you may be deceived?, and do you know that you may be preferring to be deceived instead of knowing the truth?
A fake piece of jewellery just looks like the genuine one will attract you as it will not cost you as much as the genuine.
it depend also on how clever it looks like the genuine, so as the more it looks like the genuine the more attraction it offers to you for less people will know the truth about it and think that it is real.
Sometimes we deceive ourselves and go along with the fake and claim that it is real, and we do this not only with stuff but also with people. We prefer the nice people who says always what we need to hear, and do what we need them to do and call them our friends, while they may be fake.
Guess what we even know that they are fake but they looks well as genuine, and they cost us less than true friends, aren't they?
Not only with people but with our believes we prefer the kind of believe that will cost us less, aren't we?
What about you do you want the fake or the real, life or nonsense, think of it and pray to the real God and ask him to guide you to the truth and life.
A fake piece of jewellery just looks like the genuine one will attract you as it will not cost you as much as the genuine.
it depend also on how clever it looks like the genuine, so as the more it looks like the genuine the more attraction it offers to you for less people will know the truth about it and think that it is real.
Sometimes we deceive ourselves and go along with the fake and claim that it is real, and we do this not only with stuff but also with people. We prefer the nice people who says always what we need to hear, and do what we need them to do and call them our friends, while they may be fake.
Guess what we even know that they are fake but they looks well as genuine, and they cost us less than true friends, aren't they?
Not only with people but with our believes we prefer the kind of believe that will cost us less, aren't we?
What about you do you want the fake or the real, life or nonsense, think of it and pray to the real God and ask him to guide you to the truth and life.