As i come to know God more and more, i find out that he is wiser and greater than what my mind can imagine. he is loving but justice a tender friend but a warrior, a lamb but a lion. and from a theological view he is one but three, that lead me many times to ask who is that God, that appear to be more than one person or one simple character.
While these thoughts keep moving in my mind, i begin to realize that a God who had created this mind that thinks about him will logically be wiser and greater than it and all these questions that rises proves that he is God, a God who my mind can understand everything about is surely not the one that created it but the God who my mind cannot understand all his wisdom and secrets and keep asking: why? How?, that is God.
The God of the bible, the one whose not only his secrets exceed my mind, but also his love exceed my understanding, this is my God, the biblical God.